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Military Science cadets pose for a photo.


Illinois State University is the Host Program, and our partnership schools are Illinois Wesleyan University and Bradley University. Please fill out our Contact Form if you would like more information to see if Army ROTC is the right path for you.

High School Scholarship

The High School Scholarship is the first opportunity for high school seniors to compete for an Army ROTC Scholarship! Scholarships are awarded for either 3 or 4 years to both public and private universities. Army ROTC Scholarships can be used alongside other scholarships and grants. This scholarship pays for either 100% tuition and fees or room and board, a book allowance, and a montly stipend.

For more information about our Army ROTC Programs, you can also visit Cadet Command's website.

News and Events

See what's happening in Military Science.

2024 CAST Academy of Achievement inductees.
This year’s Science and Technology Week, presented by the College of Applied Science and Technology, is scheduled to run April 7-11. 

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